
I really learned a lot about how to utilize my technology for Media. I learned how to edit, which I have never done before. I know how to make transitions and how to really utilize my editing software. I had no idea how to add audio and get music for my commercial. Before this project, I would have been clueless about how to do anything. Now I can express my own creativity. I also now know how to upload YouTube videos to my channel. I'm not really for making my own but it is a really good skill to have. Speaking of skills I also now know hot to embed videos onto my blogs. This is pretty useful because I am going to need it for this class. I learned a lot about how to plan. It takes a lot of time. I need to see if I like ideas by putting them into reality. This is something I learned because I would do clips or have ideas and once I saw them I did not like the complete vision. Also with planning it is important to time things out. I may have struggled with this a bit but I was able...