I found the song!


Well, I’m back everyone! I know you may have some worries and many questions on my progress. Don’t worry, the questions will all be answered. To give some updates we have stuck with the theme of childhood as a product, and I have some present-day clips that help transition to certain images/videos that describe me. What I mean by this is I frame it as a commercial with my product, which keeps the little kid inside of you. The beginning parts of me which is my early life are all completed now. I am also making sure I have purposeful edits. I need to make sure it makes sense why I cut here or do this and so on. Well, you all would know that because you like media of course. I know, I know. Connor, what about your song? I was getting to it...eventually. Okay, when you're in a pickle who do you call? No, not Ghostbusters busters (see what I did there). Well, no you might call a friend or a family member. That’s exactly what I did. I had to ask my mom for some help because, let's face it, she knows me pretty well. It took her a little bit, not as long as me obviously, but she gave me her advice for a song. The song is called I Won’t Back Down by the Heartbreakers. I think this song really captures me. Hopefully it is a good choice and will serve the commercial well. 


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