Part One The Filming Process

Hello my loyal listeners, today was the day we have officially filmed. Now let's start with the first problem we faced, time management. You know how teenagers are, we all agreed to meet at a certain time, but that went out the window real quick. It was touch and go for a second because even though I had scouted the area before, I forgot where I was going to put my car. After driving around for 20 minutes, I found the perfect place, but still no one was near. I waited long and hard... nah I'm just playing I drove around a bit more and listened to music, it was really relaxing. But it was starting to get real because Sophia was the second one to arrive. When she arrived, I had to help her by dropping a pin at the park I parked at. Since she was in a car, she took the long way there and I waited for her to walk down. What was really 15 minutes felt like an hour. I was starting to question my apple map pinning skills. But now it was just the two of us, and of course Jaydon was not answering his phone. Now I started to panic, we had already forgotten to get fake blood, and now Jaydon was not responding. 

Finally, he answered and said his phone was charging in the car and he was very close by. Now the team had assembled. We suited up and started to film. Jaydon was directing alongside Sophia, they were going back and forth about the vision of this film. It was truly inspiring to watch. It had started, our first couple of shots were filmed by Sophia and her amazing camera on her phone. We had agreed roles a long time ago and boy did we get lucky with her camera skills. Then I came in as the first dead body, a real sign of true war. We had to rehearse our my shots cause I had to make it look like Jaydon was lifting me up on my own. 

Now it is important to remember that we had a missing group member and some actors that signed up could not make it. We were low on actors, so I stepped up and played another role, I was meant to play other roles, not the second lead, but the show must go on.

We had a lot of filming, and the director moved to improvise some lines to make it seem more authentic, which was a genius move by Sophia. However, after reviewing filming, Jaydon had some concerns. 

Tune into the next blog to finish the story!


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