Hello my loyal listeners! I am here to discuss our plans for filming with you. Jaydon has been a great help when gathering costumes and items for our set. This will be a World War 2 film, meaning that there needs to be some authenticity folks. We can not have random high schoolers running around in our normal clothes. Lucky Jaydon has a secret weapon. His really good friend who has signed up to be an actor for us, Camilo has a bunch of World War 2 costumes. We have soldier gear for Germany, America, and Spain. We have fitted it out and it fits me perfectly, as I will be playing two characters, one dead man with a pancho and the other a German comrade whose fate takes a wild turn. No spoilers ofc for all you true movie watchers who skipped the script part!. The costumes must look authentic, as that is a major component in all war films, they have realistic props and costumes. We are probably going to have to use fake blood as it is a war zone, so again, another goal is to make sure that looks authentic. Another important part of war that we mention in this film is rations and Jaydon has managed to track down some authentic war German chocolate. This is one of our many props, alongside American World War 2 guns, that we will be using in the film. Although we almost had a disagreement that since the guns were American, it would have looked confusing that German soldiers had them. After a long discussion, we were able to come together as a team and recognized the audience would not really care. We would be able to deal with the backlash from the dedicated World War 2 histories in media and touring for the film. Remember budget is a major factor for this film so if you have major issues, please take them up with the films who have a budget where your problems make sense. Besides our discussions, there is not much to it, we are looking forward to filming and I'll have to scout the location soon. I have only used Google Earth, but that won't be enough for me. Anyways until next time!
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