The Horrors of Filming Horror!

 I am back my loyal listeners! I know I have been away for such a long time. But I have great news I have been prying away slowly but surely at the final project for you listeners. You are wondering if the plan is going well. Funny you mention that! The plan was going splendid until I did some editing this weekend. I want to warn you all this is even the point of my peer review yet. I know I know what you are thinking but this is a blessing. As I was editing, I showed my parents the beginning which is almost done with being edited. They mentioned something that the middle scenes lighting is bad, and I am worried if I my editing platform Capcut will be able to fix it. Also, because I shot scenes on different days the time of night is different in the story so I may need to change and reshoot some scenes, so they match up better. I am so glad they were able to catch this because it does not look professional at all. I am wondering if I can add some scenes or even see if I can change some things now that I must go back. Hopefully, the location is still in tip top condition like it was last time. I guess until next time where I need to discuss the original filming process and about some scenes I need to reshoot after school and potentially on the weekends. This sounds like my editing back up days are going to be used. But not to worry, this has been caught early so there is nothing to worry about. It is good that my beginning has not been compromised or the close-up shots to give the scary effect of horror. Oh, Ya guys this is going to give you chills. Stay tune in for blogging show case! 


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