Diving deep into editing


Guess who's back. Back again. That's right, it's me. And I am back with some stories to tell. I mean when do I not have stories to tell? So, I am in the thick of the editing process and I realized I have not had a blog highlighting exactly what I am doing. I have said before I am trying to give the conventions of horror to life. To be frank with you all it is harder than it looks. I was originally going to use very little music, but I have now found that I am going to cut in and out. I wanted to use the forest's sound. Even walking myself when filming I was freaked out by the sounds I was hearing. What I am planning on doing is to have the music and then cut it when the sound of silence and bush give the fear factor I need. Sometimes less is more. I also purposely recorded just sounds of my location in order to give off these feelings. I had seen in other horror films that they used the power of silence to creep the audience out. Besides the sound, I am close to wrapping everything up editing-wise. The middle and beginning have been done and thankfully I have had minor difficulties. I can tribute my minor difficulties to the easy use of Capcut. Anyways until next time my loyal listeners. Soon you will all be seeing the final project! 


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