Planning Blog (Other INFO)

 Hello, my loyal listeners here is all the extra info you need to hear!

Location of scene- Anne beck park. I will be filming during the evening/night. This location works the best for me because it is right by my house and can provide a forest-like setting for my story, which is essential. location  

Actors-Connor Carey 

Actors-Dylan Carey (depends on availability) 

The filming will be done by Connor Carey. I will also have help with filming from a friend or potentially Dylan. 

Director-Connor Carey 

Schedule Filming days will be2/4, 2/10, 2/17, 2/21 

Editing days will be- 2/16, 2/24, 3/2 3/3 

2/1/24- This is for planning. I must ensure I have confirmed the help I will need for filming. Also, I will make sure the lighting and props are all delt with. 

2/4/24-I will film the first two scenes and see how I like the footage for the rest of the opening.  

2/10/24- Just film scene 3 and adjust or redo the first two scenes. I will have more time later in the month to film more footage. 

2/16/24-This is so I have a basis for my opening scene and make sure my first two scenes are edited together. Also, it is good to have this day to start editing because I could have more scenes if the story needs it while filming. 

2/18/24-I will complete all remaining scenes due to me having more time and not needing to focus on earlier developments this also prevents me from having to do everything on the last day. 

2/21/24-This is to make sure I have another day to film more or to fix scenes I am not happy with. 

2/24/24-This date is to make sure I have a particularly good idea of what my beginning will look like, and I will start to edit the middle of the opening scene 

3/2/24- This date will be used to finish most of the media project and edit the ending together. 

3/323-The final day to make sure everything is in tip top condition. 

Backup Plan! 

If my location is compromised, I plan to use the holiday park or tree tops park instead. Also, if something happens temporarily to my location or comes up for me, I plan to film on these back days 2/11, 2/8 and edit on 2/30, 3/4. 

Health and Safety 

I will make sure I obey traffic laws when I am traveling to my locations even when I am walking or driving. I will also make sure to use a fake knife for props and use fake blood if there is any need for any in the scenes. If I need to use a real knife I will make sure it is handled with care and is only used by me. 


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