Taking a look at Comedy

 Hello, my loyal listeners! I am back analyzing another blog which is comedy this could potentially work with the movie having a comedic plot twist.


High and Low Angles: These angles can be used interchangeably to give some characters powerful or weak stands, even if it's earned.
Close-ups: To capture subtle facial expressions and reactions, often for comedic effect.
Zooms and Pans: Used for emphasizing physical comedy or unexpected elements in a scene.


Bright and Colorful Costumes: Often used to enhance the overall mood and highlight the lightheartedness of the genre.
Natural Lighting: Creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Exaggerated Acting: Over-the-top performances are common for comedic effect.
Minimal Makeup: In many cases, makeup is used subtly unless specific comedic effects require more dramatic makeup.
Setting: Relatable and everyday settings, though depending on the heart of the film, the world may take a more wacky form.
Props: Props that can be used for physical comedy.


Cross-cutting: To emphasize the reactions of characters in comedic situations.
Split-Screen: Utilizing this could result in some comedic moments.
Action Match: This could be used to create montages, which then could be used for comedic effect, showcasing a series of funny events in a short time.


Lots of Non-Diegetic sound

Upbeat and Playful Music: Enhances the comedic mood.
Sound Effects (Sound Motif): Used for physical comedy and accentuating humorous actions.
Well-timed Silence: Effective for punchlines and comedic pauses.


Ant-Man: The basis for this Final Pitch.
Night Club- One of my favorite comedians Kevin heart goes back to highschool.
Night at the Music: Another movie with high stakes, but it utilizes many comedic elements to make this a funny movie.


Clever Wordplay: I appreciate smart and witty dialogue.
Physical Comedy: Well-executed slapstick and physical humor, but mostly only if it's animated.
Relatable Settings: Comedy grounded in everyday situations and relatable experiences are always a plus to me.
Character Quirks: A character that has a repeated quirk that's amusing and creative is always funny to me.


Swearing/Cursing: I don't like bleeping comedy or raw swearing comedy.
Excessive Toilet Humor: While some can be funny, on VERY rare occasions too, an over-reliance on bathroom humor can be very off-putting.
Degenerate Humor: Like the previous one, this can be funny sometimes, but seeing unnecessary risque scenes is a turn-off. 


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