Analyzing A Nightmare on Elm Street

Hello, my loyal listener! I am back at it for another research project about A Nightmare on Elm Street! Conventions I will base my movie on: Point-of-View Shots: The film often uses Freddy Krueger's point of view to create a sense of menace and tension, especially during dream sequences. Low Angles: Low-angle shots are employed to make Freddy Krueger appear more imposing and menacing. Dutch Angles: Dutch angles, or tilted camera angles, are used to create a disorienting and nightmarish effect, particularly during intense and surreal scenes. Elements I liked: Props: Freddy's Glove Freddy Krueger's glove with razor blades is a significant prop that symbolizes the character's malevolence and the threat he poses in dreams. Teenage Protagonists: The movie follows teenage protagonists, a common convention in the horror genre. This choice often allows for a relatable audience perspective and explores themes related to adolescence and vulnerability. Sound Motif: Using th...