We found our setting!

I am back my loyal listeners. I know, I know I was gone for too long! Did you miss me, just kidding, we all know the answer, but anyway I am now back and on track to tell you about the latest developments in our music video. For you new listeners I am a part of a group of other media bloggers who have teamed up to take our own spin on God's Plan by Drake. It will be a daring adventure and I am so excited to share the final product with you! But for now, let me discuss with you what I have done so far. We have decided on the locations where we are going to shoot the video. The problem is we need to find time. I am hoping we can get some filming done this weekend, but we will see if my associates are available. I know my group mates and I are very busy, but we will get it all done and find time together. I also discussed today with a group member that my dog will be making his appearance in the music video. This will be his first debut in any of my projects who knows maybe after his performance he will be in more. Maybe, don’t get your hopes up! I got to see the talent within my fur ball. The locations we have chosen may seem random. CVS, a mall, a park, and outside? What do these all have in common? They are all close to each other, which allows us to film multiple shots in the same location, this way less time is used. Also, they really represent from our research we have found that rap videos tend to be with expensive items (mall) and often outside. Well that's all for now thanks for the listen and until next time! 


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