Shooting the Rap Video


Guess who’s back? Back again? Ladies and gentlemen, after our long break I have returned. I know you are all overly excited about our music video and I assure you it's going to be amazing. This Tuesday I was finally able to film a majority of our scenes for our video. Boy did I learn a lot! Although we have not fully reviewed all the footage and started to edit my groupmates and I were really happy with the videos. We were able to even get an outside member to be the rapper's girlfriend. Sadly, we could not get some of our other friends to play certain roles. So, we tried to use props to disguise ourselves and make ourselves into different characters. We were able to make me the homeless guy and a rapper and have Finn be a rapper and someone who we were giving a car. Overall problems like not being able to have different characters due to availability did not really slow us down. When filming we had to be extremely adaptive. We often took multiple takes with different types of shots. This gave us a wide variety of shots to choose from later in our scenes. We were truly fortunate to have no mishaps when filming in stores because all owners/workers were very understanding and made sure we were treated with kindness and respect. When filming outside, though we did have a couple of mishaps we were trying to get a low angle of a two shot with the character waving money, but we unfortunately couldn’t see them due to the lighting making the black figures. Fortunately, we were able to substitute the shot with others. While in the top parking lot of the mall we faced our greatest enemy of the day, the wind. One of us lost our grip on our money and some of it flew away. We tried to recover as much as possible, but the wind was so powerful. Later we would face our nemesis again when trying to make sure the bow does not fly away on the car because we needed to stick it down. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and we also came up with some scenes that we could film later in the month to substitute or to add our footage. But more of that on my next blog. Till next time my listeners! 


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