I Said Editing Was Spooky!

 Everyone please, please take your seats. I know you are all very excited about our current progress. Now it is the editing time of season, so we have begun the process well sort of. Let’s go over the basics all clips are in order and ready to be paired with transitions. We have already started to edit the individual clips by ensuring they are better quality. We have adjusted the lighting using iPhone features most clips were shot in cinematic mode so there was not a great need to up the quality. The problem we have is that we can’t decide which platform to use for the final editing process. I mentioned before that we were having some discussions on the editing process. I also mentioned that we always pull through. And we always do! It's just this time the problem is taking longer to solve, that's all. Okay now that I have recapped you all let's dive into the details. One editing software we want to use is Capcut. Capcut has many benefits it is quite easy to use, free and accessible. What more could you want with that trio? Well, if you do want more than that, Capcut also has benefits such as its mobile editing, faster overall editing time and includes free features that other software make you pay for. This is its main benefit against one of the proposed software, which is Adobe Premiere Pro. Yes, adobe has better quality and is more advanced editing but the price people! I don’t wanna be putting money down unless I am going to use it again. Another reason it is a good option in some ways hurts us because it is a professional platform, and it has a harder learning curve. This higher learning curve is because my team and I are not properly equipped in how to handle professional editing software. I think you can all tell my vote. Until next time my loyal listeners! 


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