Asking for feedback


My Almost Final Blog. How time has passed. The work has been completed and now it is time to see the results. I’ll be honest with you listeners this was not the main idea heading into postproduction. If you told me that I would have ended up filming a horror filming piece. Before you lovely listeners get to look at it, I am going to ask my fellow friends to peer review. I know what you are thinking. What do you mean?! You already got feedback from your parents who helped you fix the mistake from earlier. Well, that was during production my friends. I need help from peers during post-production too you know. Overall, the feedback is good. But one major thing is happening I am being told the editing is poor. I need to make it faster jump cuts is what I am being told. Also, the title placement was poor and was another piece of feedback that was constant from peers. So, now I must fix these things pronto! It will not take long, and I might look up some tutorials. I know it will not be perfect and I am limited due to my editing platform. But do not fear I am on my way to fixing these things immediately. Until next time my loyal listeners and wish me luck I am going to need it!


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